Data Minding- The Persuaders (NOT CLICKBAIT! I SWEAR!)

Howdy folk! Howdy again! Welcome to Fletcher Bloggo. YEE HAW! Today we will be talking about The Persuaders. In the Persuaders a tactic called Data minding is talked about, and how it's sued in the advertisement in our everyday life. Data minding is the practice of examining large databases in order to generate new information. In simpler words, if you shopped on amazon for a fork, you'll start seeing ads for forks on websites and emails. It's creepy. Some tactics that are used to Data minding the American consumer, tracking patterns, Classification, Association, Outlier detection, Clustering, Regression, Prediction . Scary to think that someone knows everything about you based on your search history. Keep that private brokers up boys and those YouTube videos G, or it all could be used against you. Hahaha just little joke is kinda funny. Linked below is the 9 laws concerning the process of Data minding and how it's not illegal. Scary huh!