a fishing experience buds.
Howdy! In todays Blog we will be talking about a Redneck "Sport", fishing!!
Fishing is personally one of my favorite hobbies to do. I love the feeling of being knee deep in the water, casting my rod over and over hoping to get a bite, feeling of the first fish of the day getting snagged upon your lure, and finally the feeling of holding up your prize fish and kissing it. Yup you read that right. IM A FISH KISSER.
I love fishing so much I kiss every fish I catch. To some people fishing is something they do with their grandpas on a Sunday afternoon, but to me its so much more.
Ever since I was a kid I was fishing. I would spend hours in the hot sun fishing with my dad, and I really saw him as a man after that. As a kid I was inspired to be more like my dad. I wanted to be my dad, the guy to catch the biggest fish and the guy to cast the longest. Anyways as I grew up I got more into fishing. I ditched my grandpas rod and moved up to a shorter river fishing rod. I stopped tying my old shoelace knots and moved on to a "fisherman's knot". I just kept fishing, using any free time towards fishing.
Now here's where my fishing tale becomes a little sad. It was summer of 2019, and I was up in Auburn, and it was scorching hot. I had been fishing at my friends pond on his ranch, since 3 am that morning. Anyways I was getting a little frustrated because I was having a bad fishing day, and I remember I was just about to call it quits, when I felt a hard tug on my rod. I quickly jolted my rod in the upper right direction, to set the hook, and then the battle was on. This fish was a fighter. He was zig zagging in all directions, so I loosened my drag on my reel to play with him a little more. And just as I bent down in the water to grab the fish, my pole snapped. The fish jumped and took my line and haft my rod with it. Then I made the most irrational choice. I was so furious, I chucked my fishing rod at the tree and broke the reel and the remainder of the pole.
I learned some very valuable things that day.
I learned a lot of patience.
I learned that fishing is hard sometimes and failure only makes you better.
I learned that breaking your pole and loosing a big fish is all part of the game.
I learned that shit happens and you need to get past it.
But I'm not one to quit. I went back to that pond every single chance I could in order to try and catch that fish. No luck after a few weeks. During the end of summer I went to South Caroline to hang out with my friends there, and on the first day we went fishing. I remember I was standing knee deep in the muddy water, with the tall weeds up to my chest. I threw my first cast just under the dock, and started to reel in slowly. Not even a second after my lure left the shadows of the looming dock, a big bass came up and gulped it all in. I pulled hard right and snagged the hook deep in its mouth. After a short fight and a lot of splashing, I grabbed the bass by its mouth and held him up like a trophy. I didn't know it then, but now I know that this was the same fish as the fish who broke my rod. Some how, some way it was the same fish. I mean that's not PHYSICALLY possible, but spiritually it was the same fish. The bass I caught in South Carolina weighed 11 pounds, only 11 pounds short of the world recored haha).
I would like to relate this story to how media portrays fishing. The media of the past years has controlled the idea that activities like fishing are considered something a Republican would do, because apparently everything has to relate towards politics. But I know that the statement about that is not true. I know members from both parties who love to get together and throw a couple lines. Heck, I know people who don't even know what "political sides" are, and they still love catching some little dinks.
Both political parties attack each other about the fishing issue, like the two articles linked below, one by a considered conservative group, and one considered a liberal group.
www.theamericanconservative.com › Rod DreherWhy Identity Liberals Can't Fish | The American Conservative
www.nbcnews.com › politics › meet-the-press › liberals-conservatives...Liberals and Conservatives even vacation differently
Seeing both sides attack each other over fishing makes me sad. Fishing is not about politics. Fishing is about kicking out a lawn chair or standing knee deep in the muddy swap, just throwing your line and having a great day.
We as people shouldn't judge the peoples past time activities and especially not throwing an assumption about the person just because of what they like to do.
Fishing is so much more than a "conservative or liberal pastime", its just a good time out in nature.
Fishing has taught me many values and lessons about life.
Linked below is a good cite for tying all kinds of fishing knots.
The most Fishing Knots on the internet, animated and step-by ...https://www.netknots.com › fishing_knots
As always have a great day my fellow rednecks!!
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